Noble House of Black

"We're standing face-to-face, With our own human race, We commit the sins again and than our sons and daughters pay
Our tainted history, is playing on repeat, But we could change it if we stand up strong and take the lead."

-Family Members -

Mother- Walburga Black
Father- Orion Black
Older Brother- Sirius Orion Black
Twin Brother- Regulus Arcturus Black
Uncle: Cygnus Black
Aunt: Druella Black [Née Rosier]
Narcissa Black
Bellatrix Lestrange
Andromeda Black
Evan Rosier

- Hogwarts House -


The day I had received my Hogwarts letter was year 1972 the first of September. After Having arrived at King's cross with my twin the, both of us had stayed really close to each other due to not wanting to be separated, from the other. Whenever it came towards the Sorting ceremony their were two choices that, the hat was wanting me to be in. One being Slytherin and the other surprisingly being Hufflepuff, but I was relieved whenever I was sorted into Slytherin.

-Information about Me -

Lilith Vaela Black

DOB: June 25th 1961
Blood Status: Pureblood
Height: 5'8
Sexuality: Pansexual
Pronouns: She/They
Eye Color: Grey
Patronus: [Unusual] Brown Owl
Animagus: Tabby Cat [Grey]
Amortentia: Potions, Metal, Blood, Ocean Water, Strawberries, Animal Fur, Smoke, Coffee, Bluebells, Old Books, Parchment, Broomstick Polish and Homecooked Meals.
Personality: Quarrelsome, Cold, Shameless, Dishonest, A dreamer, Tactful, Over-sensitive, Strategic, Good mannered, Open, Grandiose, Angry, Passionate, One-of-a-kind, and A peace-maker.

- Wand Information -
Wood Type: Cypress wood
Wood Core: Phoenix Core
Length: 9 ¾"
Flexibility: Reasonably Supple Flexibility

- Contact Information -

Email: [email protected]
Pinterest: @SlytherinSkittle
Discord: Pureblood Slytherin#4419
Quotev: SlytherinSkittle
Wattpad: @SlytherinPureblood61